About me

Webmaster and graphic designer by profession, I have also been a passionate pole dancer for several years. So passionate that I combined my passion and work last year (2023) to launch the Le Pole HUB platform. In January 2024, I came across a post on Instagram with a photo of a Funko Pop attached to a pole dance bar, bearing the likeness of its creator. I immediately fell in love with these figurines. After realizing that they were “only” images generated by artificial intelligence, I decided to generate some myself 🙂 Then, an idea started to linger in my mind. And what can I say… I love creating, I love having projects, I love dreaming, and these figurines have clearly awakened the magic in me.

So why not try to create a real one? Crazy as I am, I took the plunge… And to top it off, they turned out successful! So why not share them with others? Let the FunkoPole adventure begin!!!

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